Presentations for schools and libraries:
Get to Know Kira Bailey!
For younger audiences: Learn about American Girl's Girl of the Year 2021 - Kira Bailey! We'll head to Australia and learn about its many habitats and unique animals. We'll talk about biodiversity and why it's so important for a healthy planet. I'll share my experience taking care of koalas and wombats and kangaroos during my visit to an Australian wildlife sanctuary and we'll brainstorm ways we can keep habitats safe. K-2, 3-5
For upper grades: Learn about the science behind American Girl's Kira Bailey, an aspiring animal conservationist. I'll share how current events and my research trip to Australia were crucial in writing Kira's story. We'll talk about the devastating bushfires of 2019/2020 and how we can prevent environmental disasters in the future. We'll discuss how students can take an active role in conservation and make a real difference to our planet. Grades 3-5, middle school
The Truth about Being an Author:
It’s awesome! We’ll talk about what it looks like to be an author and how a book is made. We’ll also talk about how hard work and perseverance can make a dream into reality and how important it is for kids to dream big.
Grades: K-2, 3-6, middle school, high school
Relying on Research:
Research is a crucial part of being a scientist and working in the lab, and it’s also a crucial part of writing a book! We’ll talk about the extensive research that goes into writing a book and how it can shape a story. I'll share how writing has brought me on many adventures including going to Space Camp and diving into an underwater astronaut trainer to write Luciana, working as a ranger in an Australian wildlife park while working on the Kira series, and encountering several surprises while visiting The Great Dismal Swamp to write Survivor Girl. Students will be challenged to use their research skills in an interactive research activity that encourages the use of the scientific method.
Grades: 3-6, middle school, high school
Finding Focus
Deadlines, due-dates, tackling big projects are all a part of being a writer and a student! I'll share practical tips and exercises that writers do to find their focus and increase productivity. We’ll share and discuss roadblocks we face when we're trying to focus and brainstorm solutions, including how to turn doubt into confidence.
Grades: middle school, high school, adults
The Science of Writing Humor
We’ll take a scientific look at humor, breaking down funny to its basic elements to figure out how best to incorporate more of it into our writing. We’ll look at what makes people laugh and take a closer look at books and other media that works. Come ready to discuss and brainstorm ways to elevate the humor in your work.
Grades: middle school, high school, adults
Science fun:
For larger groups: A short presentation followed by an interactive science demonstration.
Grades K-2, 3-5
For smaller groups up to 30: For budding scientists looking to perform their own scientific investigation. After a short presentation, the group will be divided into lab teams to perform their own experiments, creating and testing their hypotheses. Grades 2-5
Putrid Petri Dishes:
What are germs? Are all germs bad? We'll learn more about germs and then using the scientific method, we'll run an experiment together as a group. Where is the dirtiest, most putrid, place in your classroom? Is it the floor? The teacher’s desk? Your own dirty hands? We will make predictions and swab different areas of the classroom and watch bacteria and fungus grow on petri dishes.
Microscopic Mysteries:
Microscopes are one of the oldest tools used in science. We’ll learn how taking a closer look at something can solve mysteries and lead to new discoveries. We'll explore everyday things with a digital microscope, making predictions and asking questions. An interactive demonstration full of exploration and investigation!
Cool Science:
We'll refresh our memories about the different states of matter, solid, liquid, and gas and then take a closer look at the mysterious properties of dry ice. A fun hands on exploration of the process of sublimation.
Classroom and small group activities:
Space Scientists:
Students will break up into small groups and work together as a team of scientists just like in the Luciana books. Each group will receive a rock and soil sample from a mystery planet. It's up to them to investigate their sample and determine if their mystery planet is capable of supporting life. Students are encouraged to sort their samples based on size, color, and characteristics and can further their exploration using a digital microscope.
Grades: K-2, 3-5
Think Like a Scientist!
I will share how being curious as a kid made me the scientist I am today and how the same curiosity sparks inspiration in my writing. We’ll explore everyday things with magnifying glasses and digital microscopes and learn how taking a closer look at something can solve mysteries and lead to new discoveries.
Grades: K-2, 3-5
Write Like a Scientist:
We’ll learn how writing is important in science and we’ll practice writing our own standard operating procedures (with a twist!) that are similar to what scientists use when doing experiments in a laboratory.
Grades: 3-5
Schools (in-person): $600 for half-day (2, 1hr presentations); $1000 for full-day (4, 1hr presentations)
Public Libraries: $250 (1hr presentation)
*Visits more than 60mi outside of Loudoun County, VA may require additional travel and lodging expenses.